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About Us

Launched in 2008, we produce film and television relevant to the Churched and un-Churched using classic techniques blended with today's technology.

The types of film and television we produce attract viewers already walking with God. They will have entertaining, encouraging and educational programs they can enjoy. Attracting the un-Churched with these same stories will give us the opportunity to plant a seed and teach Godly principles that they may not hear elsewhere.


Since we began we have produced several short films including FIRE TEAM which can currently be seen on the Victory Channel via ROKU.  And our feature film THE WEXLER CHRONICLES: GOLIATH.


"But everything exposed by the light becomes visible—and everything that is illuminated becomes a light." - Ephesians 5:13



Be A Catalyst

Catalyst (kat - l - ist) n. Substance that causes or accelerates a reaction.

True Exposure is about spreading the Gospel and Godly principles into homes and theaters in a non-threatening way. We seek to plant a seed that God can water. You can help by being a catalyst. Though the ministry has resources there are some things that must be prayed for and paid for. With your help  To be a catalyst, please click here

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